Trying to pass parameters from client events to property change scripts

I'm trying to pass parameters from a client event script to a property change window. And I'm getting the error that "Property (blank) doesn't exist in window." Essentially I believe it's telling my that (blank) isn't a root container property in the object. When printing "nameOfContainer = system.gui.getWindow('ParentContainer').getComponentForPath('Root Container.Blank')" is I print, it prints Blank. How do I pass a dictionary into a definition of this object in this format. system.nav.openWindow(pathToObj, { : nameOfThing}) without flagging root container issues?

Share your code, or a simplified version that demonstrates your problem. Please don't use a screenshot. Instead, after pasting the code, highlight it all and click the "Preformatted Text" button in the forum's comment editor.

Also post the "full" error message you're getting (again, in a formatted text block).

Also note that the various .getComponent*() methods don't return properties. They return components. You probably need to leave off .Blank, then access returnedComponent.Blank in your code.

If working with dynamic property paths, you will likely need to use python's getattr()/setattr() builtin functions for that last path element.