Trying to recreate new dicitonary from loop of API returned dictionary

HI, I am trying to loop a returned API call from json format, into a dicitonary, and I want to loop that data and recreate a new dicitonary cleaned up for a table.

Here is my code thats not working.

def runAction(self):
	orders = {}
	system.perspective.print( "Page Script Started" )
	client =
	response = client.get("", username="<>", password="<>")
	i = 0
	for key in response.json['_embedded']['WorkOrder']:
		orders[i]['date'] = key['date']
		orders[i]['building_id'] = key['building_id']
		orders[i]['wo_no'] = key['wo_no']
		orders[i]['work_request_description'] = key['work_request_description']
		orders[i]['type'] = key['type']
		i += 1
	self.custom.getPMOrders = workOrders

side note, I can print through the loop just fine, but i can't seem to create a new dictionary from that same loop

Where do you define workOrders? I see self.custom.getPMOrders = workOrders but I don't see where workOrders itself is defined unless I missed it. Did you mean orders = {} from the first line?

Yes, but that's not the issue. It was just a typo.

Error running action 'system.onStartup' on Home@D/root: Traceback (most recent call last): File "function:runAction", line 8, in runAction KeyError: 0

I am pretty sure I am mixing languages here, I'm not just trained in python

Ok I would suggest fixing the typo in your original post oterwise people will think similar. self.custom.getPMOrders will not show anything if you are assigning a non existent variable to it.

Looks like you are getting a key error which means you are referencing a key that is not in the dictionary ie myDict['thisKeyIsntReal'] would cause a key error if thisKeyIsntReal doesn't exist in myDict but I try to reference it.

I think one issue is that you don't initialize your orders[i] as a dictionary. I would add a orders[i] = {} as the very first line in your for loop to initialize the dictionary and the I think the rest will go through (assuming that it is not they key object that is throwing the KeyError).

The 'Pythonic' way to construct a repetitive list like this would be a comprehension. I suspect that you actually want your return to be a list of objects, not deeply nested objects as your code sample implies. Try this:

def runAction(self):
	system.perspective.print( "Page Script Started" )
	client =
	response = client.get("", username="<>", password="<>")
	self.custom.getPMOrders = [
			'date': key['date'],
			'building_id': key['building_id'],
			'wo_no': key['wo_no'],
			'work_request_description': key['work_request_description'],
			'type': key['type'],
		for key in response.json['_embedded']['WorkOrder']

You can also nest your comprehensions to remove some repetition. I don't necessarily think this is a good idea, though (it's not very flexible):

def runAction(self):
	system.perspective.print( "Page Script Started" )
	client =
	response = client.get("", username="<>", password="<>")
	relevantKeys = ['date', 'building_id', 'wo_no', 'work_request_description', 'type']
	self.custom.getPMOrders = [
			key: workOrder[key]
			for key in relevantKeys
		for workOrder in response.json['_embedded']['WorkOrder']

Thank you. That was perfect