Ubuntu 16.04 LTE

Anyone deployed 7.8.2 to 16.04?

I’ve had a couple of failures, but its on an old laptop that has been upgraded from 13.03 and then 14.04. So it could be something with the environment. I’m thinking about a fresh install of OS.

I just thought I’d check the experience of others on the forum.

What happens?

OK. Here's the story.

I started with a system running 14.04 and 7.8.2. It ran continuously for a couple of weeks. I discovered it one day with the gateway not running. Firefox crashed when I tried to open it to check the gateway. I rebooted and the gateway came back as usual. I retrieved logs and submitted a ticket. #31132. Analysis of the logs was inconclusive.

Less than 24 hours later the same failure occurred. Based on the Firefox failure, it seemed to me that there was an issue with the OS, so I decided to upgrade to 16.04.

On a related issue, when upgrading to 16.04, mysql gets upgraded to 5.7. This upgrade failed and caused significant consternation. I'll post those details in another thread.

While working to get mysql going again, I encountered the same Firefox failure that required a reboot. So I'm not confident I've resolved the issue. I'm in the process now of starting this backup and letting run.

pertinent logs from the original failure:

[quote]> (I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM ModuleManager Loading modules....

(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SystemInfo Native library load complete
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SystemInfo Loading native library
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SystemInfo Validated ignition-x64
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SystemInfo Validating native library
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SystemInfo os.name="linux", os.arch="amd64".
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM ModuleManager Could not read license from
key. Driver not found
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM StateMonitoring The redundant node state has
changed. Current state: [RedundancyState[role=Independent, activity
level=Active, project state=Good, history level=Full]
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM WebApplication [WicketFilter] Started Wicket
version 6.1.1 in DEPLOYMENT mode
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SecureRandomProvider ... SecureRandom
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SecureRandomProvider Creating SecureRandom
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SRContext Unable to read
"catapult.metroKeystoreAlias" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro
alias is: metro-key
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SRContext Unable to read
"catapult.metroSSLPort" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro https
port is:
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SRContext Reloading JDBC classloader.
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SRContext Starting Ignition 7.8.2
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:30 PM SRContext Ignition["/main", state=STOPPED]
ContextState = STARTING
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM ModuleManager Loading modules....
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM SystemInfo Native library load complete
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM SystemInfo Loading native library
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM SystemInfo Validated ignition-x64
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM SystemInfo Validating native library
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM SystemInfo os.name="linux", os.arch="amd64".
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM ModuleManager Could not read license from
key. Driver not found
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM StateMonitoring The redundant node state has
changed. Current state: [RedundancyState[role=Independent, activity
level=Active, project state=Good, history level=Full]
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:24 PM WebApplication [WicketFilter] Started Wicket
version 6.1.1 in DEPLOYMENT mode
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SecureRandomProvider ... SecureRandom
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SecureRandomProvider Creating SecureRandom
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SRContext Unable to read
"catapult.metroKeystoreAlias" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro
alias is: metro-key
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SRContext Unable to read
"catapult.metroSSLPort" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro https
port is:
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SRContext Reloading JDBC classloader.
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SRContext Starting Ignition 7.8.2
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:23 PM SRContext Ignition["/main", state=STOPPED]
ContextState = STARTING
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SecureRandomProvider ... SecureRandom
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SecureRandomProvider Creating SecureRandom
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SRContext Unable to read
"catapult.metroKeystoreAlias" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro
alias is: metro-key
[WARN] 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SRContext Unable to read
"catapult.metroSSLPort" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro https
port is:
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SRContext Reloading JDBC classloader.
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SRContext Starting Ignition 7.8.2
(I) 2016-05-16 1:37:18 PM SRContext Ignition["/main", state=STOPPED]
ContextState = STARTING
[ERROR] 2016-05-16 11:27:49 AM ReadCoilsRequest Received response with
ExceptionCode: 0x08 (MemoryParityError).

FWIW, we’re using Ubuntu 16.04 extensively in testing 7.9 and it’s running fine.

Memory parity error would make me suspect hardware…

Memory parity error would make me suspect hardware…[/quote]

That’s an exception code coming from a Modbus gateway… so be suspicious of hardware, but not the gateway hardware!


Right. The modbus error is unrelated to the failure.

The question is what happened between 11:27 AM when a comms error was reported, and 1:37PM when the gateway reported a restart? And why did the restart not complete?

Can you just post the original wrapper.log file(s)? Or email them to support

Wrapper log was submitted with original help request. #31132.

I’m not too worried about chasing this one to ground since the system has ben upgraded to 16.04. Unless it happens again…

At last check it had been running for 24 hours. I’ll check it again this afternoon.