UDT definition automatic parameter binding

Does anyone know of a way to bulk bind the properties of a large list of tags or know how to have ignition do this automatically? Here is my scenario:

I have the UDT parameters built into the OPC item path within the JSON file
Typically the OPC item path would be ns=1;s=[Gen 1]21.HRUI5574
But after importing the JSON file, the parameters are not bound to the OPC item path.

I thought that even if I only had to do this once, I could then export the JSON file for the UDT definition and then import that file for all future projects. This was not the case however.
I tried this for a single tag, exported the UDT definition with the binding active and got an error after trying to immediately import it back into ignition.

You would export the json for an entire udt, fix it to have the bindings everywhere needed, then import the entire udt. You can't import tags inside udt definitions.