I have installed the Ignition trial version 7.9 on a windows 10 machine. When I try to access its home page from another computer on LAN using http://hostname:8088/main it gives error "this site can't be reached! ". Where as from local host its working fine and also if I access Ignition 7.8 hosted on another machine with windows 7 OS, this works fine.
Its some proxy setting issue on Windows 10 machine I guess, but I am unable to figure out what exactly it is.
You are right. Do I have to have a separate machine for ubuntu or can I install Ignition on a separate partition on windows 10 machine? Or should I install it on Virtual BOX VM? What's the download link for ubuntu?
Also my NJSCADA has been developed and tested on Windows but not UBUNTU. NodeJS is of course platform independent, but I guess there may be some file opening/closing isues related with path names in Windows and ubuntu that I must test. I think its time I tried to run NJSCADA on ubuntu.
Install Bionic 18.04 headless server on a separate partition. DON'T TOUCH the existing windows UEFI partitions or try to modify it manually. You won't be able to dual boot windows. Just follow the Ubuntu installer and allow it to update the UEFI.
I strongly suggest, you must test your product on Ubuntu and Centos. Security begins from Linux. Saving the server cost and anti-virus license is a very big USP. No need to bother about other Linux. If it works on Ubuntu and Centos, it will work on all major Debian and Fedora derivatives.
I really appreciate your vision to build a GCM and JS client for Ignition. You must release GCM-MQTT and GCM-JSON modules asap. If you delay, you may loose the opportunity. Hit the iron while it's hot.
Sure its coming pretty soon. But I am unable to understand the GCM-MQTT bridge! MQTT already has some Ignition modules for driving MQTT broker. How will GCM fit in there?
I think, you are talking about third party MQTT module by Cirrus link. They sell a OEM Edge edition with a maximum limit of 500 tags.You can sell your own module for unlimited version of Ignition too. Finally, clients will choose on the basis of price and performance. Why NOT?.
I can understand that NodeJS is the server and NJSCADA is the client. If someone wants to build his own client on ReactJS/Angular/VUE JS etc for NodeJS, is it possible?. Does it have any restrictions?.
NJSCADA is a SCADA server built on NodeJs technology (like Ignition is built on JETTY earlier TOMCAT as server), The ARSCADA (for virtual tours) and RMSCADA (for Dash boards, Alarms, States) are the clients to NJSCADA. Even PUBNUB is a client to NJSCADA.
Yes it should be possible to build your own clients using REACTJS or any other client side technology or a full applications on NJSCADA ( NodeJs ) server. We have to tweek it a little bit so that clients and server communicate over a standard protocol like JSON!
You might have noticed, many MNC websites and services are having a Chinese link these days. No doubt, China is emerging as an economic superpower and hence everyone loves to comply with Chinese protocol. Next to China, India is definitely a very big economic powerhouse. I can see some great opportunities are coming up. What's your opinion on the thread below?.
I think scenario in India is different than China or Japan or Germany etc as far as technical education is concerned. English is used as medium for technical education here. Localizing even in Hindi , which is common national language will not have any impact on Ignition's sale or usage here as people using it will be very familiar with English. I think there are more english speaking people in India than population of USA by India's sheer population! So the effort in localization is not worth the return in my opinion!
I think, you are grossly misinformed. Some quick facts.
Only around 20% of the Indian schools offer English medium education (mostly CBSE) and 80% are state board schools which offer education in their regional language.
Around 80% of Indians who opt Science and Technical education in university are from non-English medium schools.
Most of the English speaking Indians can understand only Indian accent and they can not follow American or British accent effortlessly (including myself).
India produces around 500,000 CS graduates every year, Most of the fresh CS graduates (> 80%) can NOT follow the accent of IA university instructor.
Above all, English is not the mother tongue of Indians. You can easily reach the heart of a human through his/her native language.
I strongly feel, Ignition courses in regional language will help Ignition to spread and capture a good share of the Indian SCADA market. Do some google research and check out the facts.
Perhaps you are better informed about India. But for technical courses the terminology for technical terms like "server" or "client" or "SCADA" etc there are no Hindi equivalent so these words have to be same only the explanation can be in local language and the text on screen!. May be it helps.
I 100% agree with this point. In fact, a balanced mix of 60% native and 40% English without touching the technical terms is the best language understood by most Indian students. Yes. I have a very deep connection with the Indian education sector.
Can i call your NJSCADA server as a parallel server or concurrent server for Ignition server?.
From your discussions, i understand that you built NJSCADA as a missing link for Ignition. I can see strong logic in that vision, because NJSCADA opens up the gateway for the JS (NodeJs) server world for Ignition. A combined throughput of "Java server+NodeJs server" could set a new benchmark for world's most powerful SCADA.
Is it possible to deploy multiple NJSCADA servers(on the same machine), concurrently talking to the same Ignition GW?
Can you explain one typical test case scenario where NJSCADA server can handle better than Ignition server?.
Is it possible to deploy NJSCADA as a light weight front end server for Ignition on Raspberry Pi?. (This may be the answer for Q4)