Unable to add new Gateway in Designer (Ignition 8.0.6)

I cannot able to add our new gateway URL in Designer launcher and it is giving the error like
“SSL certificate not found”. But I have installed and updated the valid SSL which was purchased from our CA. I cannot able to understand why the error is coming even though the SSL is valid.

Hi sivakuarm.j:

If you are using chrome, go to the gatway webpage and from the address bar, export the certificate.
Once you export the certificate, move that certificate under c:\users\username.ignition\clientlauncher-data\certificates.

Try that it should work. I was having the same issue and this is how I was able to solve it. Please note, I am using Ignition 8.0.7.


Hi Faisal Shibli,

Thanks. Now can able to add URL.