Unable to find TagHistoryProvider in jar file

please find the issue which is right now I am facing.

Project: Right now I am working on creating ignition custom module to read tag history.

Issue: I am using https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com as repository
Unable to find out below packages from gateway-api-7.9.3.jar file.

Interface TagHistoryProvider - Found

All Known Implementing Classes: - Unable to find in gateway-api-7.9.3.jar

Please help me to resolve issue.

Thanks & Regards,
Amit K

To create a custom history reader (assuming you want to automatically read history from your external system for tags that are assigned to your Tag History Provider), you’ll want to implement TagHistoryProvider. You don’t want to use code that already exists, as it’s intended to read from other providers, not yours.

All of the implementations you’re referencing are from Inductive Automation modules that already read history. They already have code to read history from databases and other sources. Instantiating them wouldn’t be the right approach, even if you could, since you wouldn’t want to use their code.

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Thanks Kevin.McClusky
Created custom class by implementing TagHistoryProvider interface.