Unauthorized access to sources on Nexus repo

Hi, I'm new to creating Ignition modules and I have a problem fetching documentation in IntelliJ IDE for anything present in the SDK. There's always status 401 - Unauthorized for GET requests.

I'm using module tools v0.4.0, Gradle v8.1.1 and Maven 3.9.9. Using Java 11 as the project SDK. I followed the original guide for creating a module using Gradle, but this is the only place, where I got stuck.

Execution failed for task ':client:ijDownloadSourcesf2e2bded-3bc'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':client:downloadSources_43438506-cdff-420a-abfa-a970630682e3'.
   > Could not download vision-client-11.1.20-sources.jar (com.inductiveautomation.vision:vision-client:11.1.20)
      > Could not get resource 'https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/public/com/inductiveautomation/vision/vision-client/11.1.20/vision-client-11.1.20-sources.jar'.
         > Could not GET 'https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/public/com/inductiveautomation/vision/vision-client/11.1.20/vision-client-11.1.20-sources.jar'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized

Thanks in advance!

Sources aren’t available for anything.

You have to use the published JavaDocs instead:

Thanks Kevin,
then maybe I misunderstood. I only wanted to have a proper docs for SDK classes. In IDE I only have signatures, but no documentation for classes.

IDE automatically proposed to download the documentation but, unfortunately, it failed.

I don't know if javadoc JARs are available via the public Nexus either, I'll have to check with one of the build guys.

Hmm, it seems the Javadoc are available, just not source jars.


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I think that's it. I tried changing the configuration in project Gradle settings and set it to only download javadoc files, not sources.

Thanks, Kevin for your help! It is working now as expected.

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Thanks Phil, I use JavaDocs extensively. My only hope was, that it will be part of my workflow inside IntelliJ. And now when it's solved, online JavaDocs will be my last resort.