Understanding Vision Window Inheritance Inherit Permissions Checkbox

I have looked through the Vision client security documentation and feel that I understand the hierarchical security inheritance from the Window level down through the root container to the individual display components. However, there is a disconnect in my mental model in understanding where the individual windows inherit default security permissions from (or if they do at all). From what I can tell from the Ignition documentation, and what I gather from responses to previous forum posts like Pop-Up Inheritance, window security must be set for each window individually. If this is the case, what is the purpose of having the Inherit Permissions checkbox at the Vision Window level and what are the implications of having this box checked or unchecked for a given window?


My first thought was that maybe these permissions inherit from the required client roles defined at Project Properties > General > Security Settings > Required Client Roles.

However, in this scenario assigning a required client role would restrict access to the entire Vision client, so individual display permissions inheritance configuration settings wouldn't matter either way since a user can either use the entire Vision client or they can't.

I then came to the conclusion that I am either missing a setting somewhere in the Project Settings, or the Inherit Permissions checkbox does not serve a purpose at the Vision Window level. Any help in understanding this concept would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. First post - any guidance in formatting / posting issues appreciated as well!

Without looking at the code, it's almost certainly this.

The most likely explanation is that there's just a single common control for security permissions, and we've never gone through and special-cased-out the root window object to give it a different editing UI.

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