Yesterday it seems the server where Ignition sets was having problems. The project I had opened kept freezing then closing. Then it showed in the lower right corner that I had 2 sessions open at the same time. Since then the Report Viewer(s) has this error "Unexpected server response (503) while retrieving PDF". If I preview the report it shows up fine but anything with a PDF gets the above error.
Any help would be great. Oh one more thing when the user box in right hand corner showed up it said there were differences that need resolved. I would open up the screen it said had the differences and the user error would go away.
I believe IT restarted the gateway and now it is working.
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Any chance someone has a better solution than this? I'm experiencing this exact same issue but my team cannot stop production by restarting the gateway because a couple reports aren't working.
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We got the same issue. We have tried to restart only the Report Module, but it didn't worked.
We were able to use our report again after restarting the Ignition Gateway service only. I agree, in a production environment it's annoying. It happenned twice in the last month
We experienced the same issue with this error trying to pull reports. Coincidentally, we had a Deadlock Error on our gateway as well.
The Gateway restart corrected both issues.