I'm attempting to create a custom message for use in an alarm pipeline. The message has French and English in it because the users are from Canada. The message will have to be in Unicode because there are a few special charactors in the French alphabet that English does not use. The problem is that I cannot create a line break with the unicode. The email arrives in the inbox like this:
Étiquette d’alarme: Test Low, Priorité: (1), Est passé à (Active) à Mon Aug 12 19:39:09 UTC 2024 UCT Alarm label: Test Low,Priority: (1), transitioned to (Active) at Mon Aug 12 19:39:09 UTC 2024 UCT (Pour Usage Interne: Test Alarm/Test Low) (For Internal Use:Test Alarm/Test Low)
I'm creating the message through a list where each item in the list is a row of the email. I then join the list together with a deliminator in the middle. For example:
message = u'/u2028'.join(messageList)
I've tried all the stops such as
message = message.splitlines()
message = u'\r\n'.join(messageList)
Any suggestions will be greatly welcomed and appreciated