We had a CPU / Memory spike in our gateway java runtime and are in the process of figuring out a root cause. We don't have much right now, the VM isn't showing any events that indicating something other than the JVM running away.
We are seeing the message below in the logs, they showed up about the exact time the CPU / Memory began spiking.
ClientSession 30Dec2024 06:26:33 Received unknown message type "designer-view-init"
Like pturmel mentioned, I would check the scripts on the affected view(s). We had a similar issue on a site with either a 'for' or 'while' loop that was getting stuck infinitely on loop.
You could try opening the threads or running scripts section of the gateway diagnostics page to see if anything is using up above average CPU or see and stop any scripts that are taking an extraordinary amount of time to finish.
Another issue I've seen in the past is if you have a gateway script that is being triggered at specific intervals that are faster than a large script/query can be completed, it will also start slowing down and backing up threads until it crashes out. You can see the amount of Timed/Waiting threads on Status>Performance to see if those are climbing as well.
This can also build up if a bulky script is being triggered multiple times as someone flips between views quicker than the scripts are finishing.