August 14, 2024, 2:50pm
I have a UDT with 2 alarms configured on one of the UDT's tags. The alarm properties are bound to parameters of the UDT, see below.
I'm able to update the parameters, but the bindings do not apply the changes. Do I need to overide the alarms of the UDT tag?
Bindings in alarms update when an alarm event occurs. Not all the time.
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August 14, 2024, 4:50pm
So if a change is made to the binding values, do the bindings update when the new alarm conditions are met or when the old alarm conditions are met?
Hmm. Probably the old ones. If you are trying to make variable conditions via bindings, it won't work, IIRC.
August 14, 2024, 4:59pm
Should I take that to mean there's no robust way of updating alarm conditions outside of the tag editor?
The typical technique is to use expression tags in event driven mode to perform the desired binding, with a valueChange event script to write its result to the appropriate alarm properties.
August 14, 2024, 5:08pm
Thanks, I'll give it a try.