Upgrade Tags in deployement, without updating values

Hi, is-there a simple way to import tags without overwriting values? As an example, I do some modifications in Dev’s tags, I export all my tags from dev to make sure I don’t forget one and finally I import those tags in Prod (with a merge overwrite). This process replace all the values in prod by the values from dev…this is not what I want. I want to keep the prod values where one exist.

the only ways I see to fix this is by “manually” remove all the lines “value” from the .json file, it is ok for couples of tags, but not fun at all when you get hundreds of tags.

thanks for your help

It would be pretty easy to parse the json and remove the value property from it. Have a look at my post below for an example. The script in there will convert opc tags to memory and back again, but you could just as easily remove the value property instead. It works with json copied to the clipboard.

jq is an option, if you’re reasonably comfortable on the command line - and as a bonus, could be readily attached to a script to run repeatedly.