Upgrade version makes buttons dissapear (possible bug?)

Okay, let’s make sure I have things correct.
By my count, there’s three problems you’re describing in this thread.

  1. Upon upgrade, some of your buttons disappear outright.
    I think I understand what’s gone wrong. There’s an issue in the LaF with the borderPainted property (causing the button to become invisible) so we removed the property entirely. However, older windows could still have a change from the default value serialized, so you end up with your issue - invisible buttons. We’ll see if we can fix the core problem there.

  2. Upon upgrade, your buttons now are highlighting on hover, and this is not what you want?
    This is somewhat backwards from pretty much everyone’s desired behavior in the previous version, but c’est la vie. You could try changing the background blend mode via UIManager key in a client startup script, e.g. set Synthetica.background.blendMode to a different blend mode - I’d start with ALPHA:

  3. You want to still be able to disable the border around the button entirely for a flat look.
    The good news is, setting the blend mode should do that as well, e.g. this is a button I set to ALPHA in 8.1.15:
    You can do this to individual components, via putClientProperty, but you’ll have to do it every time you open the window. Setting it on the UIManager in a startup script will work for each client, just be aware that the styling will be “wrong” in the designer still.

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