I am trying to give the user the option to upload their SSL certificates in the ignition module. I am using RecordEditForm.
in my PersistentRecord, I have fields:
public static final StringField KeystorePath = new StringField(META, "keystorePath", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY)
public static final StringField TruststorePath = new StringField(META, "truststorePath", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY)
it gives me the upload form inputs on the configuration page, but after saving, nothing is saved. perhaps needs to write the upload functionality. but how can I get access to the file when saving it? is there any example of how to do it?
Thank @pturmel for the quick response.
I didn't get the opening new trail part. but I didn't find any discussion in the forum regarding this. LLMs are not that helpful, just causing confusion.
I wish I could see an example of this. so that would be easier to fathom.
my wish is simply to give the upload file option and be able to upload them somewhere in the ignition, get the path, and then be able to retrieve them when used.
Sorry, english euphemism for "being the first to do something".
Which is why you haven't found examples, nor is any LLM going to be helpful. (They are generally not, with Ignition, and there's a warning in the FAQ about sharing their output here.)
Cirrus Link modules are commercial, closed source. (Like mine, fwiw.) So, no, not any public information on how they did it. Perhaps you should ask (nicely) on their forum?
The same general approach should work, though I'll echo Phil's general sentiment that the less engineering effort spent on wrangling Wicket the better.