Urgent - Ignition Reports need help with subcatogery

I am returning the below table from SQL and this is how it should look like

However when I tried doing this using Ignition perspective my table looks like below. I am not sure how to leave the space and make it as subsection. I also need help in making the parent section as bold font and its children as normal font.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  1. You've titled your post as Reports but tagged it as Perspective. The Reporting module and Perspective module are not related. Which is it? (Edit to fix.)
  2. Please show your SQL query so we know what the returned data format will be. (What determines whether a row is indented or not?) Please see Wiki - how to post code on this forum.
  3. You have the option to use subview in a table row. See Displaying a Subview in a Table Row | Ignition User Manual.
  4. "Urgent" in your question title isn't really appropriate (and the nature of the question doesn't appear at all urgent as the table is readable). Most of the contributors on this site are volunteers and will answer questions of interest when they have time.

The simplest trick would be to use the Dynamic Key for Font. Merge the label with ALT + 255 to insert tab for subsection labels.
Report ss

Sample Report
tableReport.zip (12.1 KB)

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