Urgent! Offline unactivation / activation process failed

Working through a recommended process on ticket 27656. That process suggested removing the license, stopping the gateway, deleting some modbus drivers, restarting the gateway, and adding back the license.

This Ignition (8.1) gateway is not internet connected. During unactivating and reactivating, I downloaded the unactivation_message.txt and activation_message.txt files. Attempting to use the offline activation tool at Support - Inductive Automation from my internet connected laptop, I am getting a response “Unable to process the unactivation [activation] request.”

I attempted this process during non-production hours. Unfortunately, that also means while phone support is unavailable. I need to get it reactivated before Monday morning startup.

Any ideas?

Thank you,

You can reactivate it without inactivating, but it will go into an emergency 7 day period, so you’ll have 7 days to get it resolved

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Thank you for the response. I wasn’t aware of the 7 day emergency reactivation.

I was able to get this activated, thanks all.

Hello. I have had the same problem as Techwing. I have disabled the license to perform a CPU Windows update. While I was doing this, I reactivated the license on another PC to operate the system in the plant. At the end of the update, I disabled the license again to reactivate it on the initial CPU. When trying this, I got the message “Unable to process the activation request.”
My question is if I can only activate the license after 7 days or if there is a possibility to activate it again as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for the help offered

Contact IA support, by phone, for urgent license issues after hours.

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I tried to contact support but got no response, so I tried to activate the license on the backup PC and it worked for me. Now I have the gateway with the respective licensing, but I have the following announcement: "This gateway is running in emergency activation mode. 7 days, 2 hours remaining". In addition, I still have the discount for the 2 free hours at the bottom. I do not understand what is happening. What dou you recommend?.
Should I disable the license again to try to install it on the main CPU? Any help would be very useful to me.

If it's in emergency mode you should contact IA support to fix it. You can't remove it by yourself.

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