User ability to save custom built power chart in session

Good Afternoon All,

The company I work for provides automation for large scale greenhouses. Currently we utilize power charts for observation of climate levels along with other data. Recently, the customer requested that we leave a blank power chart for them to select the tags they desire from the tag browser. They have the capability to do so, but they do not have the capability to save it from the session. Talking with tech support, they looked into, but could not find a solution for this situation. They informed about this messaging board where I could put in a request.

Also, this is on perspective and ignition version 8.1.30.

If anyone has a possible solution, please let me know. Thank you!

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Good Afternoon Aaron, welcome to the forum!
I did a very similar thing but with Vision, i had a script that would save the Easy Chart's configuration datasets(I think it was 3 different datasets) into a new folder named by the user.
I believe the solution would be to do a similar thing with perspective, maybe get all the properties and save them to a new Dataset memory tag.

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Good Afternoon Leonardo,

My team and I will look into this as a possible solution. If any questions arise, I will be sure to ask. Thank you!

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As @leonardo.godoi suggested, the mechanism for storing the user's "preferences" will need to exist outside the scope of the Session. This is most likely going to fall in - as Leonardo suggested - Tags stored in a way which allows for retrieving values by some User value, or entries in a database.

The avenue for requesting features is actually to go through, as these forums are more for requesting assistance with how to achieve some result, instead of requesting the ability to do something new.

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I'm confused, does the Ad Hoc not work?

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