User Source Table-Authentication Error

Hello Team,
I need your help to tackle the following problem.

Database used: MSSQL server
Module: Perspective

When I tried to rename the column [belonging to login authentication table] with a new name, the column updates properly, but when i tried to login after the column was renamed, the login failed.

-> screenshots:
Authentication Table:

Before renaming the column
Able to Login successfully

After renaming the column

After renaming when i try to login, i get authentication error
Even though username and password exist in the database table. I am not able to login.

Is there anything else I need to change/update [ex: gateway...etc.] to overcome this authentication issue?

Thanks in Advance,

Perhaps this is obvious and I'm just out in left field, but why would you expect it to work after you changed the Schema of the table? Why would you even need to change it?

I wouldn't expect it to work until you change it back.

Don't change the column name. If you need it in that format, use a SQL View.

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**found a temporary solution: **
After making changes to the DB table, you have to go back to the Gateway > User, Roles section. Find the DB User Source you are using and click on “edit” and simply “save changes”. To confirm that all the users are loaded, you can click on your User Source > “manage users” and it should show a list of all users from your DB table.