I'm trying to use Ignition Designer at work, behind a company http proxy. I'm having a lot of issues (and there is very little specific documentation about this).
So far, I've managed to put this string in the "JVM Arguments" of the launcher:
The designer launcher starts, and so it does the designer itself. But as soon as I try to create or edit a view, I get this error inside the main window:
Followup: it seems I can’t use port redirection on the local proxy, because when I try to validate and import the Let’s Encrypt certificate, the Designer Launcher - after the certificate review and when I click Trust Certificate - respond with a:
This certificate is invalid. Contact an administrator.
BTW, this is with Ignition 8.1.9 and Designer on Linux Mint.
15:08:46.328 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO Perspective.Designer.Workspace - Launching view with DesignerPageParams 'francescop_home', tab id 'Framework/Breakpoint', using base url https://<my_server_ip>:443/data/perspective/design
15:08:46.331 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO ViewResourceEditor - Perspective remote debugging port open at: http://localhost:9222/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/C106909A371C455C493916BE43055D51
15:08:46.333 [AWT-EventQueue-0] WARN Perspective.JavaJsBridge - Bridge target 'window._designerStore' received unexpected return type 'null'
15:08:46.354 [Browser Thread: 43569] WARN Perspective.Designer.Workspace - No designer store found on window!
The ignition.chromium.switch.X system prop sets the respective chromium command line switch --X for JX Browser (the embedded chromium-based web browser used in the Perspective Resource Editor) - in this case, the --proxy-server switch, detailed here.
This will allow the Designer itself to correctly communicate with the gateway. You can also change the settings in a single gateway entry, if you need so.