Using MQTT in Ignition - Handling Multiple Subscriptions

Hello all, I am Emmanuel Katto. I'm setting up an Ignition project that will be using MQTT to receive data from multiple devices. I'm using the Mosquitto broker and have successfully established a connection to it from Ignition.

My question is regarding the best way to handle multiple subscriptions and topic wildcards in Ignition. I have a few hundred devices sending data to different topics, and I want to be able to subscribe to all of them without having to create individual subscriptions for each one.

I've set up a few subscriptions using the MQTT Subscribe action, but I'm not sure how to handle the situation where multiple devices are sending data to the same topic with different payloads. For example, if I have two devices sending temperature readings to the topic temperature/sensor1 and temperature/sensor2, I want to be able to distinguish between the two devices in my Ignition design.

Can anyone recommend a good approach for handling multiple subscriptions and topic wildcards in Ignition? Should I be using a specific type of MQTT client or library? Are there any best practices or examples that could help me achieve this?

Emmanuel Katto

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