Using Passed Parameters to a popup for tag control in a PLC

Hi I am very new to Ignition. I am using Vision. I know I should have used perspective but I am too far into the project to start over. I have several valves on my main page that share the same function control popup. I know how to send parameters from the main page to the popup but I am stuck on how to link the controls from the popup to the specific valve PLC tags. Thank you for your help

If this is an on machine HMI then vision was the right choice. Each version (perspective/vision) has their rightful application.

Some reading explaining how to indirectly bind tags. Ideally all your pump tags would be organized into fodlers or UDTs per pump. Using indirection in your popup would allow you to bind to to the associated pump tags.

If you are using UDT tags for your pumps , do NOT create a UDT type parameter on your window. Create 1 property per UDT member you want to use and indirectly bind them to the UDT member.

This video lesson looks at templates but you can apply the exact same method to a popup window.