Using shared componenets from Ignition Exchange

Hi everyone,

Does anybody know if these components are reviewed by Ignition before they are made public?
There are a couple of components I want to use for a project, but I'm concerned about any of the components breaking a screen.

I reviewed the scripting behind the components, and everything looks good to me, but I want to be sure nothing wrong will happen.

Exchange submissions are reviewed by our sales engineering team, but I would definitely exercise caution and recommend reading through any resource you download before using it yourself.


Based on the feedback I've received from each of my own exchange submissions, I would say that IA's reviews are thorough, but that doesn't mean that a resource will work as expected in your production environment. It would be advisable to do your own testing in a development environment just like you normally would when developing something new from scratch.

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Thank you! I'll keep this in mind.