I would like to use the icons already present inside ignition. (~\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data_20221121021\modules\com.inductiveautomation.perspective\icons) How can you access these inside React?
While developing I copied the material.svg file and used it succesfully like this: const iconSheet = require('../icons/material.svg').default;.
What path should I use inside of the Ignition module?
A related question I had was how to use custom types inside of the Ignition Designer? Like the icon or color props.
@PGriffith, cool! What other options are there? And where would this be documented?
I've seen dropdown-options, style option to a style-property, how about those?
With this renderer, you can just insert a path like 'material/iconname'?
I'm able to get enterprise.svg to render if I copy and paste the whole svg element directly into the program, but I'd rather not do that for all of the icons I need.
Am I using IconRenderer correctly? I've been stuck on this for a while.
IconRenderer is for using our built in icon management mechanism, e.g. {path: 'material/chevron_right'}; if you already have an SVG you want to display I think you just embed and display it in the 'traditional' React way?
I was having a similar problem with the traditional react ways (blank svg elements), so I thought this might be a solution.
Thanks for the info!
Hi , I Am new to Ignition SDK and have limited knowledge on Java .
Can you Please let me know where is the actual bananatime.gif file residing in the ignition-sdk-examples. and i cant even find this directory /res/radcomponents/img/