Using system.db.runPrepUpdate

I am trying to add a row into a SQL DB table. I have successfully used the following code in mySQL so I know that my SQL code should not have any syntax errors.

INSERT INTO sensor_notes (user, timestamp, sensor_number, notes) VALUES ('name', 'currenttime', 'sensor_number', 'notes')

When I place it into ignition I know I have to change the VALUES so that they reflect defined variables within my scripting, and the following is my scripting code:

[code]user = “[System]Client/User/Username”
timestamp = “[System]Client/System/CurrentDateTime”
sensor_number = event.source.parent.sensorNumber
notes = event.source.parent.getComponent(‘Text Area’).text

insertQuery = “”“INSERT INTO sensor_notes (user, timestamp, sensor_number, notes)
VALUES (‘user’, ‘timestamp’, ‘sensor_number’, ‘notes’)”""

system.db.runPrepUpdate(insertQuery, [user, timestamp, sensor_number, notes], ‘db’)[/code]

I keep getting errors that this is not correct and I’m not sure what I am missing in my code. Any help would be appreciated so much! This is driving me crazy! :open_mouth:

This should get you going unless you have already figured it out

[code]insertQuery = “INSERT INTO sensor_notes (user, timestamp, sensor_number, notes)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)”

system.db.runPrepUpdate(insertQuery, [user, timestamp, sensor_number, notes], ‘db’)[/code]

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: YOU ARE MY HERO!!! :prayer:

That worked. That had been kicking my butt for weeks…