Does anyone know if something like a tab strip can be used in a pop-up or floating window? The Main window navigation already uses a full tab strip along the bottom and there is no more room for extra tabs (14 currently). I have small group of pasteurizers that I need to access from one of the Main Windows, and there is no room for a tab strip on that screen. I thought about a single button that bring up a pop-up window that has a tab strip that would switch between the pasteurizer screens within the pop-up as long as it was was open.
Yes, you can, but you would have to disable its built-in navigation. For what you describe, you would make a series of overlapping containers below or beside the tab strip, and bind their visibility to the tab value.
Just create a button in the Main Window that opens the pop-up, and include the tab strip within the pop-up to switch between pasteurizer screens.