Using wildcards to filter alarms

I have 55 blocking stations in a conveyor. Each blocking station is set up as a UDT and has its own set of alarms set up in a folder named "Alarms". I have a alarm icon set up on the blocking station view as well. I want to filter the alarms in a blocking station to return the highest active alarm in that folder so that I can bind that alarm with alarm icon view. The alarm icon color changes based on the priority as well. So the data I would like to be able to return is the highest active alarm display path and its corresponding priority. I tried using


But the wildcard property does'nt seem to be working for me. Maybe I am doing something wrong with the syntax I have pasted the expression below:


Can anyone help with this please?

Per the manual isAlarmActive and isAlarmActiveFiltered only return a Boolean value (True if an alarm is active; False if no active alarms were found).

I have achieved similar results to your requested objective by using a transform to return values from python scripting using the system.alarm.queryStatus function. Though that was used for generating values bound to views and components and not for generating tag values.

Hi, could you share the way u have created the scripting using the system.alarm.queryStatus - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation function.