Utilisation du composant View Canvas sur Perspective

Hello, I am using the View Canvas to develop a site planning that I am developing see the attached Planning image.

On the schedule, we will have several types of controls that will be scheduled on a specific site.

The controls can be for example: CRA, CRE, CM.

I created a drop-down list that allows displaying the events of each type of control on the schedule, see image event1, event2 and event3.

I also added the option all controls on the list. This option will display all types of controls on the schedule.

But I have problem. I can display the controls scheduled by type on the View Canvas On the other hand, if several control events are scheduled on the same day, see image event1, event2 and event3 (Wednesday July 4 at 4AM) then they are not all displayed on the schedule . That is to say that they superimpose the other events scheduled on the same day and same date.

I would also like to display the events scheduled on the same date and same time on the View Canvas.

Are you sure its there? I see things on 5am not on 4am?
Anyways you could create an icon that indicates something is below it (and show it when pressed on the icon)
or maybe some it halfe the size ? But that will start looking rather messy if you have tons of events