Validating input into a text field

I have a text field that is later used in a path. So I want to do 2 things - limit how long the input can be in the text field to prevent “path too long” issues I’ve faced before, and not allow the “/” characte to be used, as that too was an issue I had to resolve. How can I do this with ignition? Or does this HAVE to be scripted?

You should be able to do this with the Formatted Text Field component.

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since this component is no longer in 8.1, what's the new 'best practice' for doing this? for example, user enters i want to just validate this, removing the dot, and then camel-casing it: userName. use pure scripting, i'm presuming? or is there a something i haven't found yet that replaces the Formatted Text Field?

Formatted Text Field is a Vision component that still exists.

Are you trying to do something similar in Perspective?

yes. sorry. wasn't aware it was Vision only. :stuck_out_tongue: there wasn't a tag on the post. i should have clarified, since i'm learning the world does NOT actually spin around me with everyone devoted to my every whim. :laughing:

dang it.

2018 and Ignition 7.8 - Vision only.

As for your question, there's no direct analogue. You'll have to use scripting, though the new Form component that's coming in 8.3 is probably going to be relevant to whatever your ultimate goal is.

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sweet! an excuse to read Reddit posts until that drops! you're awesome! :smiley:

yeah. i figured so. i just wanted to flight-check before i got too far only to realize: oh, there's a button for that! :slight_smile: