I’ve got a gateway that I just updated to 7.9.20, and I wanted to verify that it was using the Azul runtime. The status page shows * 1.8.0_181-b13, which is the version of the Oracle JRE that is also installed. How can I check if the Azul runtime is installed?
The gateway setting is :9;1.8;1.7;1.6, and there is no java binary specified in ignition.conf
If I look in an 8.0.x install, I see the ignition\lib\runtime folder. I do not see a corresponding folder on this server. Do I need to remove the oracle JRE and reinstall 7.9.20 to trigger the Azul install?
The Azul runtime is not included with the 7.9 gateway. You would need to install it yourself and then make sure it’s on the system path or explicitly point to it by modifying the value of wrapper.java.command
in ignition.conf
Note that there is a runtime bundled into the Native Launcher you can download from the home page, used for launching Client and Designer instances, but the Ignition Gateway is BYO Java in 7.9.
Ok, thanks-The The Real Deal About Java and the Future of Ignition | Inductive Automation
page indicated after 7.9.10 Azul would be bundled, so i was following that.
Hmm, I can see your confusion. That blog post either was not very clear re: 7.9 or plans changed.