Version 8.01 sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder$PNGException: crc corruption

In Edge Version 8.01, the designer hangs up after launching Scripting. Nothing else in the project browser loads. I get this error in the Output Console.

sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder$PNGException: crc corruption
at java.desktop/sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.getChunk(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.getData(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.produceImage(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(Unknown Source)
at java.desktop/ Source)

Any help resolving this would be appreciated.

Jason, all of the information points to the two real issues: CRC and AWT. Since a PING (.PNG) is a graphics file, it has a particular set of headers and such that are obviously an issue for “java.desktop/sun/awt.image.PNGDecoder”. Since JAVA is an Oracle Product that is handled differently in Ignition 8.0 compared to Ignition 7.9.10 (for example), you may want to see if your Licensing for the latest Java or Azure product has become an issue. The way I read it, there are now commercial and non-commercial versions available. This can also affect ‘Authentication’, which is a different system which seems to now be enforced at approximately the same time period. I hope that helps, and provokes a bit more information about the Browser ( web browser ) and image source.