I would like to construct something to display an NxN edge matrix, ie with N rows and N columns. For example, this would represent "From X to Y" distances.
I imagine a table, with the Left columns being "From" locations, and the top row being "To" locations
If possible. I would like to display the top row with vertically oriented text. Is this possible?
Alternatively I would use a Flex repeater, but again would want vertical text in the top row. Is this possible
I would like to display the top rowheaders with vertically oriented text.
Try this:
Make sure that you have each column's columns.X.field property assigned to one of the field names in the data property.
On each column add in the following properties. columns.X.header.style.writingMode : vertical-lr columns.X.header.style.transform : rotate(180deg)
where 'X' is the column number. (Hit the + button beside header.style and add a new value.)
In addition to Transistors comment, rather than a rotate transform, you can use the text-orientation css property to either have the text rotated sideways or written vertically.