Vertical Zoom in Perspective Power Chart. This was easy in Vision Easy Chart

Is there a way to zoom in vertically on a Power Chart in Perspective? I've been using Vision for 10 years and have grown used to the feature and it's important for some of my pages. I decided to do a new project in Perspective to test it's features out and keep finding things that are easy in Vision that aren't available in Perspective. In a Vision Easy Chart, you can draw a box around an area of interest to zoom in. That feature doesn't appear in the Power Chart. If that's not available, I'm probably going to give up on Perspective and go back to Vision on this project. The chart below has two temperatures on it that are important to a process. Currently one is zero, but at times they'll be in the same range. The temperatures only change by a few degrees during that process, and our tolerances are very tight for this process, so I need to be able to see the trend.