The ActiveX module has offically been dropped and will no longer be included with new Ignition installations. For systems that have the ActiveX module already installed, the module will remain active in the Gateway when upgrading to 7.5.4 and later.
I use these in my projects. In particular the ie browser ActiveX. Please tell me you are going to offer a browser type component like jbrowse or something. Anything… You will be removing a feature that I need to use. I understand there
will be legacy style support so at least they wont totally break. This move on your part only increases the need to offer
a similar functional component. Really. This is a customer concern. I hope I am not the only one concerned. In general
if your are going to remove a component please offer a suitable replacement. PLEASE. I am certain you guys weighed the pros and cons but please think about the customers that rely on your tools. I beg you. Offer a replacement when you remove a piece of functionality. Please at least provide a browser component. dependency issue or not. You guys ARE awesome. I know you all can find a solution. please dont let us down like this. Not only am I a paying customer but a loyal fan. I have come to look up to IA as innovation leaders in this field. Its time to show it going forward, not regress. The best I can hope for is that you realize the sincerity in my post. I am by no means angry just disappointed and concerned.