View missing from session; code cannot be compiled

Hi all,

I recently started getting this message (on the gateway) after saving changes to my project:

View 'Page/ctr/SourceBay_Emb04@C$0:1:1' restarted but missing from session.
View 'Page/ctr/SourceBay_Emb04@C$0:1:0' restarted but missing from session.

The 1:0 numbers climb to 1:8. The embedded view is embedded 19 times in the "main" view.

I have been attempting to debug an event/script and change scripts on a couple of components, then I started getting this message.

Also, sometimes I get a designer error that says a script cannot be compiled when I save, but other times I don't. And those scripts seem to run just fine. (I think!)

Here is one script that throws this error once in a while:

def valueChanged(self, previousValue, currentValue, origin, missedEvents):
	if currentValue and currentValue.value:
		message = 'chg_lid_action'
		payload = {}
		system.perspective.sendMessage(message, payload)

No thoughts so far?