View Overflow in table row

I have three views created as below:

1. View1: labelComponent takes parameter as lbl.
2. View2: FlexContainer where View1 is embedded in repeater in Column direction. Now View2 will have fixed height of 100px so if repeater has more than 3 instances of View1, it adds a scrollbar in View2, which is what expected.
3. View3: So here is challenge. So in View3, if I take repeater and embedd View2 in a row direction (with useDefaultViewHeight set to TRUE) it embeds fine and also shows scrolls within repeater used in View2 if more than 3 instances of View1.
However if I take table component and then use View2 as view in one of column of table, it does not show a scroll within repeater of View2.

Please suggest.

Used within repeater:

Used within table:

Ignition Verion: 8.1.32