While using the Vision alarm analysis template, I noticed some confusing behavior with the alarms by hour of day/day/day of week bar chart.
It appears that this chart simultaneously plots both duration of alarms AND alarm count. I don’t think this intentional, and it can provide some some confusing graphics.
Example: With the date range set to all of today, I can see that 3 alarms came in, and remain active through now. But in the bar chart, it looks like 103k+ alarms are shown as becoming active at 1am. This is actually a total duration of 103k+ seconds, which doesn’t make sense in context of an alarms by [time] chart.
The alarmsBySelQuery internal property drives this query. I’ve simply removed the SUM(...) duration
portion to eliminate the duration column of the dataset entirely
Original alarmsBySelQuery expression
switch({Alarm Analysis.dbType},
{Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " label, " +
" COUNT(*) total, " +
" SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, a.eventtime, COALESCE(c.eventtime, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))) duration " +
"FROM " +
" alarm_events a " +
" LEFT JOIN alarm_events c ON c.eventid = a.eventid AND c.eventtype = 1 " +
"WHERE " +
" a.eventtime " +
" BETWEEN '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.startDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.endDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " +
" AND a.eventtype = 0 " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " ASC",
{Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " label, " +
" COUNT(*) total, " +
" SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, a.eventtime, COALESCE(c.eventtime, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))) duration " +
"FROM " +
" alarm_events a " +
" LEFT JOIN alarm_events c ON c.eventid = a.eventid AND c.eventtype = 1 " +
"WHERE " +
" a.eventtime " +
" BETWEEN '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.startDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.endDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " +
" AND a.eventtype = 0 " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " ASC",
{Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " AS label, " +
" COUNT(*) total, " +
" SUM(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (COALESCE(c.eventtime, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - a.eventtime))) duration " +
"FROM " +
" alarm_events a " +
" LEFT JOIN alarm_events c ON c.eventid = a.eventid AND c.eventtype = 1 " +
"WHERE " +
" a.eventtime " +
" BETWEEN '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.startDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.endDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " +
" AND a.eventtype = 0 " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " ASC",
Revised alarmsBySelQuery expression
switch({Alarm Analysis.dbType},
{Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " label, " +
" COUNT(*) total " +
"FROM " +
" alarm_events a " +
" LEFT JOIN alarm_events c ON c.eventid = a.eventid AND c.eventtype = 1 " +
"WHERE " +
" a.eventtime " +
" BETWEEN '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.startDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.endDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " +
" AND a.eventtype = 0 " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " ASC",
{Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " label, " +
" COUNT(*) total " +
"FROM " +
" alarm_events a " +
" LEFT JOIN alarm_events c ON c.eventid = a.eventid AND c.eventtype = 1 " +
"WHERE " +
" a.eventtime " +
" BETWEEN '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.startDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.endDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " +
" AND a.eventtype = 0 " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " ASC",
{Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " AS label, " +
" COUNT(*) total " +
"FROM " +
" alarm_events a " +
" LEFT JOIN alarm_events c ON c.eventid = a.eventid AND c.eventtype = 1 " +
"WHERE " +
" a.eventtime " +
" BETWEEN '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.startDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND '" + dateFormat({Alarm Analysis.endDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " +
" AND a.eventtype = 0 " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " " +
" " + {Alarm Analysis.Alarms By Selection.Selection.groupBy} + " ASC",
End result is a table that looks like you’d expect:
Note that I haven’t tested the MySQL or MSSQL portions of the expression (though it’s just a line + comma removal so it’s likely fine).
Edit: on reflection I can see where someone could find value in this, though I think I still wouldn’t want it in my situation. If I did want it, I’d probably make a new query that only pulls duration, duplicate the bar chart to show the new query’s data, and use a toggle button to switch between the two.