Every time when I run Vision client, the NonResponsiveEdt file is created.
Then also every time when I login or logout in the client, the NonResponsiveEdt file is created. When I login/logout it takes around 4-5 seconds for client to refresh.
Also when I close/exit Vision client, it takes around 4-5 seconds before it closes and the NonResponsiveEdt file is created.
I've looked at the files, but... I can't make anything from them...
If remove the templates from the screen then everything is OK (fast).
The templates are not complicated:
5 indirect tag bindings and 2 expression bindings for colors. There are no scripts involved and no animations.
Only color changes.
Yesterday I spent entire afternoon, trying to figure this out and think I found it... but still I don't understand, why this is happening:
I have my main window the size of 1920x920px.
Then I have one docked window at the top, size 1920x60px
and one docked window at the bottom, size 1920x100px.
Together the combined height is 1080px.
This is because the Vison client will run Fullscreen on the PC with resolution 1920x1080px.
But because I'm using Ignition gateway without the license, I have a 28px height green bar at the bottom, reminding me, that Ignition is in Trial mode.
Because of that, my main window is not 1920x920 size, but 1902x851, if I run it in Window mode, and 1920x892 if in Fullscreen mode.
So everything on the main window is scaled down a little.
When I run in Window mode and try to login/logout, it takes about 3 seconds (you can see it by the progress bar in the upper right corner in the video), before actual script for login/logout is being executed and most of the times the NonResponsiveEdt file is created.
But, if I resize the window height with mouse, so that my main window is 920px height or more, then the login/logout script is executed immediately (no delay and no NonResponsiveEdt file).
Here is the video to demonstrate:
So, now I know what's happening, but still don't understand why...?
If I resize the window height first to be the right size and then login, it execute immediately.
Then I resize the window height to be smaller than original, and then login, it takes about 3 seconds to execute.
It makes no difference if I set the Cache policy property on the window to Auto, Never or Always.
The 3s delay is also there if I quit the client, either with 'X' on the window (top right) or with the system.util.exit() script, if the window is smaller...