Vision Bar Chart Component - Dynamic bar color

Hi everyone,

I have this bar chart (pictured below) that is returning 2 series of data from a dynamic date range. I am wanting to change the bar color of the first series based on if the value is higher or lower than the second series. I imagine there is a way I can do this in the getBarColor function (green if greater than, red if less than), I just don't know how. Can anyone help me out with this?

Also, here is my sql query for this chart if that's helpful:

Correct. Simply check the next column for the current row in the chart's dataset to the current value anytime series one is being evaluated by the extension function.


#def getBarColor(self, [...] defaultColor):
	# This script assumes that the "Exact Order" parameter is set to "By Row"
	# Define the necessary colors
	seriesOneHighValueColor = system.gui.color('lightgreen')

	# These two variables can be explicitly defined in the script,
	# ...or the extension function's defaultColor variable can be used to simply return the default color for each series 
	seriesOneDefaultColor = system.gui.color('lightblue')
	seriesTwoDefaultColor = system.gui.color('darkgrey')
	# chart data zero indexed columns = [Label, Series 1, Series 2]
	# The series variable in the extension function is zero indexed,
	# series == 0  will be Series 1 and series == 1 will be Series 2
	# The category variable represents a row index in the chart's dataset 
	# If Series 1 is being evaluated,
	# ...and its row value is greater than the series 2 value on the same row of data,
	# ...apply a special color. Otherwise, use the default colors for the respective series
	if series == 0 and value >, 2):
		return seriesOneHighValueColor
	elif series == 0:
		return seriesOneDefaultColor # or simply defaultColor
		return seriesTwoDefaultColor # or simply defaultColor



That did it! Thank you