Vision Client launcher - Can't find gateway

Vision client launcher running on a client pc does not find my gateway, nor does it allow me to manually enter the gateway.

I am running 8.1.22 in trial mode on Win 10.

Gateway and client PC's are both physical machines on the same subnet, directly connected to the same switch.

Both have windows firewall shut off.

I can ping in both directions

I can access the gateway from the client pc thru Chrome. Log in, look at settings etc.

I can run the same vision client launcher on my server.

What happens when you add the gateway manually? Is there an error?

Can you share the designerlauncher.log file in the .ignition directory of your user home dir?

Have you ensured to use the format:

http(s)://[address / url]:8088

When setting up manually? I still find a lot of people get caught out by this either forgetting the port or to include http / https.


I am not sure why, but when I remote desktopped into the client, using the same windows user credentials that I use on my host machine, so that I could get data for my response, Vision Client Launcher found the gateway.

Not sure why....
So thank you for your time, I am all set for now.