Vision easy chart X-trace date format in milliseconds

Is it possible to get the time format in the x-trace with milliseconds in a vision easy chart? i dont see an option like in perspective to get this done. and if i use the selected x-value and format that to show milliseconds it rounds it down to the closest second:

Limitation of the X-Trace implementation in IA's Vision Charts (classic chart, too). I re-implemented X-Trace completely in my alternative versions. (The NoteChart 3rd party module.) You can get the milliseconds to show up on NoteChart and EasyNoteChart.

I developed this confiureChart extension function script some time ago for modifying the date and time formats of that label:

#def configureChart(self, chart):
	from java.text import SimpleDateFormat
	from org.jfree.chart.axis import DateAxis
	pureDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd")
	# The capital S is for millisecond format
	pureTimeFormat = SimpleDateFormat("h:mm:S a")
	dateAxis = DateAxis()	
	plot = chart.plot
	plotField1 = plot.getClass().getDeclaredField('dateFormat')
	plotField2 = plot.getClass().getDeclaredField('timeFormat')
	plotField1.set(plot, pureDateFormat)
	plotField2.set(plot, pureTimeFormat)

...but you get what you pay for; this approach won't be nearly as reliable as the NoteChart's implementaion.