Vision on 4 HMI devices

Hey guys,

I am a relatively inexperienced user of Ignition with a project where I will be in a massive warehouse and need to have 4 HMIs running generally the same project. They can all be connected or they can all run the project individually as long as they trigger the appropriate PLCs to do the correct things. The program has been created and I can indeed toggle all the necessary things in the 4 PLCs on the project when I launch it from my computer. Now I need to be able to bring this project up on all 4 of the HMI devices using the vision client and verify that I can control the line from them.

Any advice on how to set up both the gateway and the vision client devices to be able to see the project and access it?

It should be a matter of browsing from each HMI to the Ignition gateway and downloading the project.

I tried that and it says the gateway is unreachable over port 8088. Do I need to go through further steps to make the gateway reachable?

Not generally, no. Sounds like you just don't have your network set up.

You need to put the gateway on your network in a dedicated machine, not in your own laptop/workstation.

( If you are running your designer in the same OS instance as your production gateway, you are screwing up. If, for anything other than Edge, you are running client sessions in the same OS instance as your production gateway, you are similarly screwing up.)

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Okay so I need a dedicated machine for the gateway and then will need to direct all the vision clients to that gateway. And using one of the PC HMI devices as the device for the gateway would not work correct? For more accurate information these are Maple Systems PC HMIs running windows 10 professional.

It would work, but if it dies for any reason, they all die.

And the Vision's client's memory and CPU usage will cut into the resources the gateway needs.

It is a really bad idea.

Oy! I've said in many places on this forum that this is engineering malpractice, IMNSHO.