If I don't know what size monitor will be used with my Vision HMI, or if it'll be used with various sizes, how should I design for that to ensure automatic resizing, maintaining ratios, etc? Any specific settings I should look for?
If I don't know what size monitor will be used with my Vision HMI, or if it'll be used with various sizes, how should I design for that to ensure automatic resizing, maintaining ratios, etc? Any specific settings I should look for?
Scaling works best when you design for the smallest screen, so scaling is like zooming IN.
In Vision, anchored layouts and judicious use of grouping is your bread and butter.
Give up, before you've even begun, on any concept of a pixel perfect ratio or trying to set your window resolution to "1920x1080, but minus the window decorations and minus the default titlebar height" or any such things.
It's inevitably fragile and frustration inducing, when the far easier thing to do is pick a sane minimum size, at a reasonable aspect ratio, and using scaling and anchoring let things stretch out "gracefully".