Vision Windows over traffic

I am making a dynamic popup window for a group of valves, i had to make a different views with container for every view inside the popup to show more information and i am switching between them by controlling the visibility of containers with buttons scripts but there is a lot of traffic inside the block, any other ideas i can make to optimize this work?!

Please explain this in more detail, possibly showing screenshots illustrating what you are talking about.

Does each container contain components for a specific valve? If so that is the wrong approach. Utilize ignition's ability to indirectly bind tags.

If you need to display multiple valve controls in a single popup or page, make a generic valve control template, and use a template repeater or template instances to show the valves needed.

The popup is showing 5 different views for the same valve, i am using the dynamic indirect tags and it is working properly,
My question is about using containers for every view and buttons to swap between it, there is a lot of traffic and i am searching for more optimized way instead of these containers and buttons

Use templates that show each view and take the same parameters. Then change the template path on the template holder dynamically. Consider using a tabstrip component with screen navigation disabled to supply the template paths.


Yes, i did it with tap strip and template repeater and i replaced the containers with templates, but i didn't notice too much difference

I did not recommend the template repeater. I recommended a single template holder that is dynamically changed to point at different templates.

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Define what you mean by a lot of traffic. Are you saying there's a lot of graphics being loaded? A lot of tag values? More details on what problem you're having and how you're currently doing things will be helpful. As others said, post some screenshots.

Ok, i will try it without repeater, unfortunately i can't share screenshots of it due to client restrictions