Vision XY Chart change shape size

Ignition 8.1.25

I have an XY chart and I selected lines and shapes dataset type. The size of the shapes is a bit large for my liking since I can have hundreds of points. How can I use the configureChart function to adjust the size of these shapes?

:nerd_face: Got nerd-sniped.
Should work across multiple datasets and subplots.

def configureChart(self, chart):
	size = 6
	topPlot = chart.getXYPlot()

	# Create plot list depending if subplots exist				
	if  hasattr(topPlot, 'getSubplots'):
		plotList = topPlot.getSubplots()
		plotList = [topPlot]
	for plot in plotList:
		datasetCount = plot.getDatasetCount()
		for dsIndex in xrange(datasetCount):
			dataset = plot.getDataset(dsIndex)
			renderer = plot.getRendererForDataset(dataset)
			for seriesIndex in  xrange(dataset.seriesCount):
				shape = renderer.getSeriesShape(seriesIndex)
				shape.x = -size/2.0
				shape.y = -size/2.0
				renderer.setSeriesShape(seriesIndex, shape)

Default size of 6

Size of 4



This is better than I hoped. Thanks a ton!

Hi @JordanCClark and All,

Can we disable the shape for those lines in the single dataset? I have one dataset that contains four lines of chart. I'll give an Image for reference. I have Min, Max, Target, and Actual. These are the four Values I have in the dataset. I had to change the line into Line/Shapes in the chart properties. Then, all of the line styles are changed. But I should need to change the Line style for Actual only. Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

In Chart Customizer:

The above one is my dataset. The Manz ID is an X-Axis value, then HC CH5 590mm is the Actual value and threes are max, min, and target values.

Muniyandi D

I'd make a filter to use the specific dataset column names.

def configureChart(self, chart):

	size = defaultSize = 6
	seriesFilter = ['HC CH5 590mm']
	topPlot = chart.getXYPlot()

	# Create plot list depending if subplots exist				
	if  hasattr(topPlot, 'getSubplots'):
		plotList = topPlot.getSubplots()
		plotList = [topPlot]
	for plot in plotList:
		datasetCount = plot.getDatasetCount()
		for dsIndex in xrange(datasetCount):
			dataset = plot.getDataset(dsIndex)
			columnNames = list(dataset.getDataSetForSeries(0).getColumnNames())[1:]
			renderer = plot.getRendererForDataset(dataset)
			for seriesIndex, seriesName in enumerate(columnNames):
				if seriesName in seriesFilter:
						size = 0
					size = defaultSize
				shape = renderer.getSeriesShape(seriesIndex)
				shape.x = -size/2.0
				shape.y = -size/2.0
				renderer.setSeriesShape(seriesIndex, shape)

Thanks, @JordanCClark for your support. But I got an error whenever this script was run.

Sample Image:

And the mentioned column's data line's shape size is also not reduced.


Pink - 'HC CH5 590mm'
Orange - Top - 'Max', Bottom - 'Min'
Green - 'Target'

Muniyandi D

Can you post a export of the window? If the dataset property is bound to something, remove the binding first, to preserve the data. I should be able to take a closer look this afternoon (currently, its 4am here :wink:)

EDIT: Also, what version of Ignition? Just to be sure I'm on the same page.


Thank You @JordanCClark for your reply messages at 4 am. I'll add an example window and one client tag for that chart. Should need to assign the substrate_id column in the tag as "Manz ID" fro that charts.

Chart_dataset_tags.json (96.9 KB) (45.4 KB)

You can use this to Check and validate which error has throwing while running the script.

Our ignition version is 8.1.33 (b2023101913)

Muniyandi D


Sorry for the late reply. Work requirements are building up...

Anyway, here's a quick and dirty one that will hide series shapes only. No resizing, as, in my limited time, resizing a polygon is a pain. :laughing:

def configureChart(self, chart):

	seriesFilter = ['HC CH5 590nm', 'Target']

	topPlot = chart.getXYPlot()

	# Create plot list depending if subplots exist				
	if  hasattr(topPlot, 'getSubplots'):
		plotList = topPlot.getSubplots()
		plotList = [topPlot]
	for plot in plotList:
		datasetCount = plot.getDatasetCount()
		for dsIndex in xrange(datasetCount):
			dataset = plot.getDataset(dsIndex)
			columnNames = list(dataset.getDataSetForSeries(0).getColumnNames())[1:]
			renderer = plot.getRendererForDataset(dataset)
			# Create a shape to use for hiding a series shape.
			hiddenShape = renderer.getSeriesShape(0)			
			hiddenShape.height = 0
			hiddenShape.width = 0
			hiddenShape.x = 0
			hiddenShape.y = 0
			for seriesIndex, seriesName in enumerate(columnNames):	
				if seriesName in seriesFilter:
					renderer.setSeriesShape(seriesIndex, hiddenShape)
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