VNC embedded client

Hello all,

Is it possible to embed a VNC client in Ignition?.


No, not right now.

[quote=“fran.alija”]Hello all,

Is it possible to embed a VNC client in Ignition?.


I am afraid it would add vulnerability. In my understanding VNC should not be used without ssh or use VPN only.

perhaps If you acccess to VNC web server you will get that.

use the internet Explorer Active X.

I found this thread by searching and I’ll mention why I would love to embed a VNC Client in an Ignition window.

My customer has A-B PanelView Plus terminals, which have a VNC Server feature that lets you monitor and operate them remotely. Right now, Ignition duplicates many of the same features that are on these terminals. The terminals are the tiny PV+6 600, which are just 320x240 pixels, so I could easily embed their screen in an Ignition screen.

I realize it’s not possible or even really desirable, but I thought I’d mention the reason.