Voice Notification sipMessage is Null

I have a gateway who's voice notification profile is working and successfully calls out on the VOIP profile.

However, after taking a backup and restoring it on a different machine the call is no longer getting through. I had to re-create the profile because I was initially getting an "unknown[-1]" status.

In the logs I have this message.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.peers.sip.transport.SipMessage.getSipHeaders()" because "sipMessage" is null
at net.sourceforge.peers.sip.Utils.getTopVia(Utils.java:39)
at net.sourceforge.peers.sip.transaction.TransactionManager.getClientTransaction(TransactionManager.java:119)
at net.sourceforge.peers.sip.core.useragent.UAC.terminate(UAC.java:201)
at com.inductiveautomation.alarming.notification.sip.call.CallManager$PhoneCall.closeCall(CallManager.java:443)
at com.inductiveautomation.alarming.notification.sip.call.CallManager$PhoneCall.run(CallManager.java:339)

I have not been able to find anything on this error message.

I am wondering if you found a solution to this as I see this post is 16 days old. I too have come across this same issue and was wondering if you where able to figure this out.

There were a couple of issues.

  1. I was told there was no password for the VOIP registration, but IA tech support used a gateway tool to find the password.
  2. A couple new network routes and firewall exceptions had to be added to allow traffic from the new server to the SIP server.

After updating the network settings and adding the password it was able to call out.

I am just wondering for the Firewall exception do you have these by chance?

That was handled by IT and the networking stuff is a little out of my area of expertise.

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