Dear all
I want graph point to point on report module and tag historian use mode value change.
help me please!
You are running into the Deadband Style property of Tag History. It can be complex when reviewing it for the first time, see this User Manual page for details: Configuring Tag History | Ignition User Manual
Your screenshot is showing, in red, a tag history trend that is using "Analog" Deadband Style, this is the default value for Float/Double Data Type tags. Float/Double tags are more likely to be real values like temperature, which behave in an analog fashion, so this default behavior is useful.
The green line you want would be the "Discrete" Deadband Style, and trends more like a setpoint. For Float/Double tags, you will have to change that setting to Discrete on the tag.
Dear kvane
Thank you for solution and next i will to test.