Warning in Store and Forward. What does reason mean?

Good day
In the following project we implement table debugging in Postgres, we enter values ​​through a transition group to a series of tables, then through a query we empty them and enter a separate table.
This process is carried out correctly and we already have a time implemented but in the stores forward section it tells us the warnings seen below with the following message:

4203 1 tv_10_area3{equipo,sabor,agua_sp,agua_acc,agua_vel,js_sp,js_acc,js_vel,hfcs_sp,hfcs_acc,hfcs_vel,usuario,idsp,silo,unidades,comentarios,t_stamp}
java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO tV_10_area3("equipo","sabor","agua_sp","agua_acc","agua_vel","js_sp","js_acc","js_vel","hfcs_sp","hfcs_acc","hfcs_vel","usuario","idsp","silo","unidades","comentarios","t_stamp")
VALUES(10,27,13748.0,0.0,0.030685425,0.0,0.0,-0.11128235,11278.849,77.82395,-0.011367798,'operador prueba',10,1,84,'','2024-06-11 14:01:32.538-05') was aborted: ERROR: secuencia de bytes no válida para codificación «UTF8»: 0x00 Where: portal sin nombre, parámetro 16 Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.

translating the part into Spanish:

4203 1 tv_10_area3{team,flavor,water_sp,water_acc,water_vel,js_sp,js_acc,js_vel,hfcs_sp,hfcs_acc,hfcs_vel,user,idsp,silo,units,comments,t_stamp}
java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO tV_10_area3("team","flavor","agua_sp","agua_acc","agua_vel","js_sp","js_acc","js_vel","hfcs_sp"," hfcs_acc","hfcs_vel","user","idsp","silo","units","comments","t_stamp")
VALUES(10,27,13748.0,0.0,0.030685425,0.0,0.0,-0.11128235,11278.849,77.82395,-0.011367798,'operator test',10,1,84,'','2024-06-11 14:01: 32.538-05') was aborted: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for “UTF8” encoding: 0x00 Where: unnamed portal, parameter 16 Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.

The table referenced in the message is where the transition group enters values ​​and the query that debugs it is formed correctly.

We believe that the detail is in the "comentario" column, the text "sin comentario" is always being sent in theory through the PLC, so what we assume is that the text stops being sent and becomes null.

We went to check some of the tables and we did not find the record referred to and the table was fine.

We would like more guidance on the error that Store and Forward gives us and what would be the reason it happens and if there is any solution.